Friday, June 15, 2012

Yarn Bombing or Knitting Graffiti in Basel, Switzerland

Last year we went back to Switzerland for a holiday. On a warm summer evening we wanted to go to the river Rhine and have a picnic at the water. We sat down and then realized that we were surrounded by knitting ladies.
They asked us if we would like to join, so we did. They started the project of knitting around the Wettstein Bridge. While I was still on my holiday I knitted hours on a piece together with my girlfriend Sissi:

It was so much fun! Unfortunately I never took the time to knit one in Australia and send it back to them... 
Almost one year later their project is finished and on Saturday, 9th June 2012 (International Yarn Bombing Day) the bridge was covered with all the pieces.
Here is also a video of the whole bridge (at the end I spotted the piece we did!).

Here in Perth it started also but not in a big style (yet). On Google I found some very interesting pieces from all over the world:

Aren't they amazing? There is only one thing to do...

Have fun!  

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